Food poisoning is a collective term that refers to several health problems caused by bacterial infections, viruses, and parasites that can be ingested with food. Doctors claim that food poisoning occurs more often than you think; You claim that whenever you have diarrhea that lasts more than 24 hours, it is actually a foodborne illness and not just a “stomach defect”. Food poisoning can be easily avoided if food is prepared correctly and safely.

There are several ways in which food can become carriers of organisms and viruses that cause all the health problems associated with food poisoning. The symptoms of food poisoning are generally nausea and diarrhea, but in more extreme cases fever, muscle fatigue, and paralysis can occur.

When you prepare food at home, there are a number of steps you can take to avoid getting sick of yourself and your loved ones.

Here is a brief overview of the disease-causing organisms

Botulism: The bacterium, called botulism, usually comes from canned products. Do not store canned food after opening. It is much wiser to put leftovers in a plastic container or bag to prevent botulism from growing in it. Since botulism can also occur in fresh foods such as tomatoes and peppers, it can be helpful to keep these products refrigerated. Serve hot food from preparation.

Salmonella: Salmonella is another kind of destructive microbes that you can ingest. It generally happens in raw items, for example, eggs, meat, and crude milk. So be certain to prepare your food altogether and avoid foods that contain “hidden” raw materials, for example, raw eggs. Salmonella is additionally effectively transferable starting with one item then onto the next. Subsequently, do whatever it takes not to cause cross-contamination during cooking. Utilize a cutting board and blade for meat and another for your vegetables.

Marine poisons: Seafood and other marine items can contain microbes and synthetic substances that cause food contamination. The best way to shield yourself from marine toxins is, obviously, to abstain from eating raw fish. Be that as it may, you can presumably still make the most of your sushi as long as you avoid barracudas fish and shellfish utilized as bait. Likewise, search for ocean growth sprouts close to you when you get neighborhood fish. Red tides and dinoflagellates can also contaminate food.

Let’s take a look at the basic foods you should be careful of

  1. Raw meat: The first one is quite obvious. Raw chicken and beef are the main culprits of bacteria that can lead to food poisoning and severe stomach cramps. You have to be careful when handling raw meat, but also pay attention to its cooking.
  2. Eggs: Eggs are another object that causes people pain. With eggs, not only do you have to make sure you don’t eat them raw, but that all foods containing eggs haven’t been left out too long at room temperature. This includes foods like potato salad or any recipe that can contain hard-boiled eggs. It is easy to miss the fact that the eggs are in a prepared recipe and to think that it is right to sit outside.

If in doubt, throw it out. If you don’t know how long a particular food has been left, it’s not worth the risk of eating it.

  1. Leaf vegetables:While it is important to eat fruits and vegetables, you need to be careful because they can contain hostile bacteria that can double you in pain.

Green leafy vegetables such as lettuce, spinach, and cabbage are of particular importance. These can be contaminated with harmful bacteria such as E. coli, salmonella, and listeria. All of this can quickly get you on a road to discomfort. To reduce the risk of unwanted symptoms, wash all of these foods thoroughly before eating.

  1. Fish: Even if you like eating sushi with your friends, you should be very careful when doing it. Sushi can be loaded with harmful bacteria that can make you vomit and consequently dehydrate you.

The problem with sushi is when it’s not fresh. If the sushi is prepared and left to rest for about an hour before being served, it becomes questionable. A good sushi restaurant prepares fish and serves it immediately.

Things to consider before, when and after buying foods

  • When buying food, check the expiration date of an item before buying it. Groceries should also be separated into shopping bags by type of food.
  • Always wash fruits and vegetables when buying to remove chemicals and fertilizers that may have been used in growing food. Chemicals and fertilizers are known to contribute to food contamination.
  • Store meat products such as chicken and pork to prevent bacteria and parasites from traveling or coming into contact with food. When you get home, wash them and immediately store them in the freezer. Never leave them in the sink for an hour. Bacteria can easily be transferred to these meat products, particularly from insects and animals that may come close to poultry.
  • Proper storage and handling of food are also very important. Make sure to store food separately. For example, fruits and vegetables should be kept away from poultry products and store them in a cool, dry place to avoid the transfer of harmful food contaminants.
  • If you handle meat products or prepare meat for cooking, you need to clean the kitchen immediately after preparing the food. There are natural bacteria in animals that can be passed on to other foods if you put them close to meat.
  • When preparing food, you need to use a separate cutting board for meat and other ingredients. Never use a cutting board that you have already used to cut meat to cut vegetables or other foods. This can prevent cross-contamination of bacteria.
  • Food contamination by bacteria occurs faster on hot days. Store the food and never leave it on your table. Store them in the refrigerator or use them immediately.
  • Wash your hands before and after cooking. Disinfect the kitchen area and clean the utensils used during the preparation of the dishes. This can eliminate bacteria such as E-Coli and Salmonella which could stick to utensils and the cooking zone.