Oreo Cake is so easy to make at Home. Main ingredient in this cake is Oreo biscuits and all ingredients are easily available in shop. Everyone like Oreo cake because of its different taste and looks like Dark chocolate cake. Oreo cake is more desirable cake for any occasion for example: Birthday party, Anniversary party, New Year party or your kid’s Function. Today I am trying to make Eggless Oreo Cake for Nephew’s Birthday celebration. I want to make Oreo Cake because He Loves Oreo Biscuits very much. So friends you can try my Oreo cake recipe once!


  1. Mix All ingredients as well till matter free of lumps.
  2. Use fresh curd in this cake recipe.
  3. Follow Baking time to bake this cake carefully.
  4. All Ingredients are use as per quantity in cake recipe.
  5. Don’t over bake the, otherwise it will be dry and break.

Recipe of “Eggless Oreo Chocolate Cake” at Home:-

  • Total Ready Time: 70 m
  • Preparation Time: 25 min
  • Baking time: 45 min
  • Recipe Servings Person: 5-6 person
  • Ingredients:

For Cake:-

  • Maida or all purpose flour – 1 ½ cup
  • Oreo biscuits Powder – 1 Cup
  • Melted Butter – 3/4 cup
  • Condense milk – 1 ½ cup
  • Sugar – 1 ½ cup
  • Fresh Curd – 1 cup
  • Milk – 1/2 cup
  • Cocoa Powder – 3/4 cup
  • Vanilla extract – 1/2 tsp
  • Salt – 1 pinch
  • Baking soda – 1/2 tsp
  • Baking powder – 1 tsp

For Garnishing:

  • Fresh Cream – 1 Cup
  • Powdered sugar- 2 cup
  • Oreo biscuits packet – 2
  • Chocolate chips – 1/4 cup


  1. First step that we Take a big bowl and add flour, Baking soda, Baking powder, salt and cocoa powder mix properly and filter with the help of clean cotton napkin.
  2. Second step is that we take another Bowl to mix melted Butter and sugar powder, Beat this matter with hand blander till it fluffy. Then add curd into this matter and mix again with blander. Then add condense milk and vanilla extract in it and again beat properly.

    Easy Oreo Cake Recipe without Egg

  3. Add Dry mixture to the wet mixture with add milk, Beat matter carefully until mixture free of lumps and smooth for cake matter.
  4. Add Oreo crushed powder to this cake matter and mix again. Your matter is ready to bake!
  5. Take a cake pan and fill butter layer then put some flour dust into pan and add matter into cake tin.
  6. Pre heat your oven 180c and bake cake until a tooth pin insert in the centre of cake comes clean.

    Easy Oreo Cake Recipe without Egg

  7. Remove cake into cake tin carefully once it cool. Your Oreo cake is finally ready to decoration.
  8. For decoration you can use any designs of cake with Oreo biscuits and choco chips with cream. This Cake is very soft and fluffy as observation, even without use Egg. I used Fresh homemade curd for this Oreo cake recipe, for this reason I made fluffy and sponging cake at my Kitchen for Birthday Party!

    Easy Oreo Cake Recipe without Egg

Note: You can also make this Oreo cake with Egg; if you want to use egg then you can add 2 eggs and skip Curd. Now with this Tips you also make this cake with egg for Non-veg peoples.