Are you one of those people who can’t kickstart your day or hold a conversation until they’ve had their caffeine fix?  Most coffee drinkers swear by their cup of joe first thing in the morning for that instant boost of energy to get their day started.

Buying the right type of coffee beans can make all the difference when it comes to brewing quality coffee at home.  Some days, you don’t have the energy to go out and drink coffee at a café.  You want to stay home, make a nice cup of coffee, sit on your couch, and relax.

But first, you’ll need to figure out which type of coffee is best for you.

Aside from various health benefits, we enjoy and celebrate the coffee culture.  Several cafes and coffee bars are popping up and will continue to do so in the upcoming years.

But what is it that makes coffee taste so good to us?  And how do we know good coffee bean quality?  It is coffee powder.  Your ultimate selection will open up a world of new and exciting taste sensations and discoveries.  Coffee is no exception.  A world of information to sort through, choices galore, and not everyone can guide you through selecting the right coffee for you.

Read through the blog, and we will walk you through some key factors to consider when you are next making that important choice for yourself or a loved one regarding coffee powders.  You don’t know which coffee bean to choose because there are so many.  If you are experiencing the same issue, stay tuned because we will share five things to keep in mind with you.

5 Things You should Know Before Selecting Your Coffee Powder

  1. Roast profile

A roast profile is a collection of parameters that define how coffee should or has been roasted.  Through small adjustments during the roasting process, each roaster can craft its distinct flavour of the coffee.

Several parameters used to evaluate the quality of roasted coffee include taste, colour, aroma, bean temperature, pH, chemical composition, etc.  It also includes the coffee beans’ density, moisture content, and surface colour.

Have you ever thought about the difference between filter and espresso coffee?  This is where your preferred brewing method comes into play.  There are no wrong answers here; choose what you enjoy drinking the most. Filter coffee is roasted differently in different countries, but the roast degree is typically lighter than espresso.

A filter-roasted coffee has been less developed to retain more of the sparkling acidity desired in a filtered cup of brew.  So, if you prepare your coffee manually or with an Aeropress, look for a roasted filter label.

  1. Single-origin vs blend coffee

It is very simple to grasp.  Single-origin coffee is made from beans grown in a single location.  There will be no mixing with these beans.  You will get a pure, unadulterated coffee experience when you choose beans from a single location.  If you want to spice up the experience, choose coffee beans that have been blended but originated in different locations.  There are numerous high-quality coffee blends available for you to try.

Most of the time, specific single origins are chosen to use in a blended coffee to create a complex and balanced espresso while keeping a milk-based beverage in mind.

Which one is right for you?

  • A solid blend will satisfy you if you want to find a well-rounded coffee that is consistent and that you can enjoy for months on end.
  • Single-origin coffees may be ideal if you want to compare the distinct characteristics of coffees worldwide.
  • If you’re new to brewing and want an approachable coffee with few surprises so you can learn the craft, go with a blend.
  1. Varietals

Choosing the best coffee for your taste requires a lot of trial and error, not only in your choice of coffee powder but also in your brewing method.  To determine what level of mild or bold coffee you prefer, be open to trying out new flavours and blends.

When it comes to coffee, one of the most important considerations is whether to use coffee powder or coffee crystals.  The main distinction between these two is how they are processed.  While spray drying makes instant coffee powder, freeze-drying is used to make coffee crystals.  Because of their flavour-preserving processes, both of these processes have a significant impact on quality and taste.

  1. Origin of the beans

Growing conditions and economic factors determine the origin of coffee beans.  Whether you choose instant coffee or roast and ground microlot, it is critical to consider the type of coffee beans in your coffee powder and their origin, as this can significantly impact quality and taste.  Robusta and Arabica are the most common commercial coffee beans on the market today.

Manufacturers use different coffee bean combinations and roasting techniques when making their brews.  As a result, each bean combination imparts a distinct flavour and character to the coffee.  Unlike Arabica Coffee beans, Robusta beans grow in low-altitude areas and are known for their strong yet bitter flavour.  We recommend trying both coffee beans to find the best one that suits your taste.

  1. Roast freshnes
       Did you know?

Coffee beans are the seeds of the coffee tree’s fruit.  The raw beans are softer and spongier.  They are devoid of aroma and flavour.  As a result, it is cleaned, dried, and roasted to produce the best coffee beans for consumption.  As coffee roasts get darker, it loses the original flavours of the beans and takes on more flavour from the roasting process.


Every cup of coffee has a rich history!  Freshly roasted coffee is not only aromatic and flavorful but also considered healthy.  So, here are some of the health advantages of freshly roasted coffee:

  • Rich in antioxidants – Freshly roasted beans are high in antioxidants, according to health experts. These antioxidants aid in the fight against free radicals in the body, which cause cancer.  A cup of freshly roasted coffee is also a stimulant that boosts energy whenever you feel low.
  • Fat burner – Caffeine in freshly roasted coffee beans increases metabolism, allowing you to burn fat faster even after 4 hours.
  • Antidepressant – A cup of freshly roasted coffee lifts your mood and aids in treating depression.

Happy brewing with Levista!

To preserve coffee’s rich, authentic flavour, they grow the beans in the dense plantations of Coorg!  Levista Coffee offers the most luxurious coffee experience.  Coffee is 100% pure and made from the finest Arabica and Robusta beans.  After it has been roasted, blended, ground, and processed, your next cup of coffee will have unwavering dedication and quality!

Key Takeaways

  • Try small packages of different types of powdered coffee that enable you to determine the aromatic flavours and taste.
  • With coffee, nothing is set in stone. You can start your journey with these recommendations and then take your path as you map out the different coffee powders, learning what you like and don’t like.

Wait! there’s just a tiny bit more…

So, here you go, folks, the next time you’re looking for a coffee powder, look at the information provided and see what common characteristics appear on the coffees you enjoy drinking.  Remember to buy only whole beans and grind your coffee fresh.  Now you can go and explore!