The first velvet cake was considered in the 1800s, in the midst of a period when American cooks were glorifying their own specific cake equations. Red Velvet cake is one of the best and unique options to make your occasion special. Every people must like Red velvet cake flavor because of its special taste and rosy red color. You also make this cake at home just follow very easy steps and to make great magic for your kids also. I am also a house wife and love cooking so much. Red Velvet cake a standout amongst other decision for your Lover’s Birthday or festivity of Anniversary.

Recipe of “Red Velvet Cake” at Home:-

Total Ready Time: 2 h 25 m

Preparation Time: 25 m

Cook time: 30 m

Servings Person: 12 



  1. All purpose flour – 2.5 Cup
  2. Sugar – 1.5 cup
  3. Cocoa powder – 2 tablespoons
  4. Baking Soda – 1.5 teaspoons
  5. Condense Milk – 1 cup
  6. Butter – 2 sticks
  7. White Vinegar – 2 teaspoons
  8. Red Food color -2 tablespoons
  9. Vanilla Extract – 1 teaspoon
  10. Salt – 1 teaspoon 


  1. Cream cheese – 3 Sticks
  2. Powdered sugar- 2 cup
  3. Vanilla extract – 2 tsp
  4. Kosher salt – 1/4 tsp.


  1. Mix all mixture very carefully, till all mixture is free of lumps.
  2. Pre heats your oven to 350 degree F. and takes cake pan with perfect in size.
  3. Quantities are the most important part to make this cake.



  1. Take a large bowl to mix the better of cake. Beat sugar and Butter in a bowl with the help of hand blander until all mixture fluffy and free of lumps. Then add condense milk and after that add vanilla extract in this mixture.

    Eggless Red Velvet Cake

  1. In the second step take another bowl, whisk Flour and add Cocoa Powder, Salt and Baking soda. Mix this mixture very carefully. All ingredients proper mix with each other.

    Eggless Red Velvet Cake

  1. Then add half the dry mixture to wet mixture as well. Beating until combine fluffy and lumps less mixture of cake. Then add red food color in it, last you add white Vinegar and mix this mixture carefully. Your cake matter is ready to bake.

    Eggless Red Velvet Cake

  1. Pour bowl matter into a Cake Pan. Bake for 30 to 40 minutes in pre heat oven, until a stick inserted into the cake comes out clean. Check cake after 25 min.
  2. Beat Cheese Cream until fluffy mixture of cream. Then add powder sugar and vanilla extract in it. Last you add kosher salt in this cheese sugar mixture.
  3. For the garnishing of cake you can use many design with cheese cream mixture. It’s your choice and finally Eggless Red Velvet cake is ready to your occasion.

Cake is the focus of every small as well as Big Parties. With the help of this Red velvet cake you can express your feeling in front of your partner on Her/his Birthday occasion. The cake is regularly served on Christmas or Valentine’s Day. On Valentine’s Day you can make this cake and celebrate with cutting Red Velvet Cake. The taste of this cake so yummy and I suggest every individual who loved to bake cake at home just read my recipe try once.